006: The Strong Connection between Faith and Charity – Bridge of Hope with Jim Palmer

Your relationship with God and the act of giving back to charity can go hand-in-hand.

Jim Palmer is a marketing and business building expert and an in-demand speaker and coach. He is the founder of the Dream Business Academy as well as the host of Dream Business Coach TV. Jim is also the father of Jessica Rhodes, another successful entrepreneur with a big heart. Jim talks to Rob about the various charities he’s involved with and why he makes it his personal mission to give back, even on the days where he feels like he has no time.

Key Takeaways:

[2:45] What charities does Jim support?

[5:35] Writing checks doesn’t always get the job done.

[6:50] Sometimes Jim feels like he doesn’t have time for charity, but once he goes out there and does it, he remembers why he does what he does.

[9:55] So many people are in survivor mode on a daily basis.

[12:40] Jim talks a bit about his audio book and his faith.

[14:40] Why does Jim feel so blessed?

[20:25] Was charity always a part of life for Jim?

[22:35] We live in a cashless society, but one of the things Jim has learned is that you always want to see cash.

[25:30] Jim was feeling unqualified when he was asked to mentor someone for the Bridge of Hope charity.

[25:50] Charity is about exposing people to a different way of life.

[28:15] There are many ways to give back, which can take different forms.

[32:10] No matter what cause you’re passionate about, you can start anywhere and at any time.

[32:25] How can people get started with these three charities?

[33:35] Try to find something local.


Mentioned in This Episode:



Serve First by Jim Palmer







“God doesn’t just want your money, He wants your time. You gotta take care of people.”

“Oh, we got debt, we got bills. I’ve been that way, but slowly but surely, you can change your mindset.”

“Instead of worrying about money, think about what you do with your time.”


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