023: It Costs So Little to Validate Someone’s Dreams – Kiva with Melissa Dawn

Could you believe loaning $25 dollars could spark an entire future for someone?

Melissa Dawn is a life and business coach and a big supporter of Kiva, a non-profit organization that allows people to lend money to low-income entrepreneurs in over 80 countries. You can lend as little as $25 to these entrepreneurs, but the value extends way beyond that amount because you’re believing in someone to achieve their dreams. You can support a wide variety of people on Kiva! Be sure to check them out and give back today.

Key Takeaways:

[2:30] Who is Melissa?

[6:05] What’s the difference between a therapist and a coach?

[8:30] Melissa started coaching three years ago.

[9:35] Everybody needs a coach. Everybody needs help getting to where they want to be.

[10:30] Melissa shares an example of how she’s helped her clients.

[14:55] Melissa asks powerful questions like, ‘what do you really want?’

[17:25] Although Melissa is located in Canada, she works with clients all over the world.

[22:00] Where do you start? So many people don’t know.

[24:30] What is Kiva?

[25:35] You can donate as little as $25 to help those who want to grow their businesses.

[25:45] When Melissa first started, she was a single mom and it was not easy.

[28:35] You are giving more than just money. You are also giving people from different cultures all over the world hope.

[31:55] Why does Kiva resonate so strongly with Melissa?

[40:45] Be the change that you want to see.

[41:20] Rob will be taking action and you should too!

Mentioned in This Episode:






“A lot of people are scared to say what they think.”

“Everybody needs help getting to where they want to be, because otherwise we tend to stay in our comfort zone.”

“If you think you don’t have a skill, you do!”

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