You can work in a for-profit sector and still give back to the community!
Amy Rogers is a Digital Project Manager at AOL and is hugely passionate about charity projects in Baltimore, her local community. She is an avid, avid volunteer and has even incorporated many of these charity projects into AOL’s company culture through the help of AOL’s senior management team and the culture team. Currently, she is a Kitchen Coordinator at My Sister’s Place, one of the many projects of Catholic Charities of Baltimore.
Key Takeaways:
[3:30] Who is Amy? [6:15] What does the ‘culture team’ at AOL do? [10:35] Giving to charity or helping the community creates a ripple effect of goodwill. [11:05] What kind of work is Amy doing with the culture team? [13:25] This year, Amy and the culture team have partnered with Meals on Wheels. [15:45] Amy discusses her work on increasing women leaders within the AOL organization. [18:15] What has the impact been like for AOL employees who are volunteering on these important causes? [23:05] Amy discusses her work with Church of the Nativity and their project Camp Go. [29:40] AOL is incredibly supportive of Amy’s charitable work. [30:00] My Sister’s Place didn’t have any turkeys for Thanksgiving one year, but Amy reached out to senior leadership at AOL and they were able to donate 8 turkeys to My Sister’s Place. [31:55] The Business Volunteers Maryland organization really opened Amy’s eyes towards the kinds of non-profit charities that are available in Baltimore city. [33:15] What causes does My Sister’s Place support? [35:00] Amy’s father got very sick in 2011 and Amy knew she had to service a bigger purpose in her life. [42:00] No act is too small to do!Mentioned in This Episode:
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Comments 1
This is a terrific interview. Amy is a huge Go-Giver and serves with joy. I am blessed to know her.