Getting a job doesn’t always solve the problem for our homeless Americans.
Del Seymour is a 65-year-old Army veteran committed to doing amazing things for our impoverished youth and unemployed citizens in the Tenderloin, a neighborhood in downtown San Francisco, California. Del is the founder of Code Tenderloin, which provides dignity and opportunity through their intense job readiness and workforce development program. Find out more today!
Key Takeaways:
[4:10] Del has been in San Francisco for the last 35 years and calls it home. [6:10] Del recently visited Mount View, a city in California, and understands why tech companies are leaving. [11:30] What does Code Tenderloin do? [13:00] Code Tenderloin doesn’t need food or clothes; they need your HR. [16:30] Del’s mission is to raise the poverty level so that people can get out of their situation and stop being homeless. [19:05] Code Tenderloin was established 3 years ago and has had 120 clients in those 3 years. [20:40] Of those who graduate from the program, how many are able to find employment? [23:55] What’s the next step for Code Tenderloin? [28:00] The problem is, once a homeless person gets a job, they still need support from the community. Getting a job doesn’t solve the problem. [35:30] Del walks Rob through their 5 week intense coding program. [40:40] Del talks about some of Code Tenderloin’s partners and sponsors. [44:00] Tenderloin is a way of life. There are Tenderloins all over the U.S.. [52:45] People who are coming out of prison are unable to find work, which continues the cycle. [1:00:35] What kinds of jobs are Code Tenderloin alumni finding?Mentioned in This Episode: