Accept the differences and take decisions, Even if it’s hard.
Welcome to the 11th episode of Giving Back Insights, my Thursday solo show where I talk about how our guests and their charities serve others, to explore actions each of can take to make a difference in people’s lives and to share. Today I’m talking about Decisions, including hard ones. Listen to today’s episode and don’t forget to give your feedback and valuable comment. Enjoy!
Key Takeaways:
Last week on the 10th episode of Giving Back Insights, we talked about Energy and choices we make to cultivate and act on our passion and purpose. One of those choices we get to make is who we invite on to our “Energy Bus” (I’m referring to the book of the same name by Jon Gordon). That idea of who we include on our journey goes hand in hand with the Jim Rohn quote that I repeat on a regular basis, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”
That choice, in particular, can be real, really hard, especially when I feel it’s time to distance myself from someone with whom I have a personal connection. That’s what I’m going to share today.
I love what I do, It’s an amazing experience. I am amazed at the people I met, Stories I learned.
I have a connection with people of all walks of life doing amazing things. I am really happy to be connected with those people.
Upstanders are ordinary people doing extraordinary things to create positive change in the world.
“UpStanders” is a video series by Starbucks,
Watch the upstander video of Pastor Steve and Dr. Bashar.
Upstanders are ordinary people doing extraordinary things to create positive change in their communities
“The mosque across the street”
He objectively STRONGLY to this story. I was caught off guard by the anger I heard in his voice about being religious.
Attacked the motives of the people in the story. And he questioned my integrity on a number of issues. He doesn’t see it as being narrow-minded, he doesn’t hear the tone in his voice, he doesn’t see the anger in his gestures or how hurtful he is acting.
This is about people of differences. The harder the problem, the better when you overcome it.
There are two parts: not invited on my bus, AND that I’m not ready to serve him.
How people fit’s in our life and leave their impact is really important.
Mentioned in This Episode:
Heartsong Church:
Memphis Islamic Center:
UpStanders video series by Starbucks:
The mosque across the street: