Being around people who have different perspectives opens up and expands our world
Welcome to the 12th episode of Giving Back Insights, my Thursday solo show where I talk about how our guests and their charities serve others, to explore actions each of can take to make a difference in people’s lives and to share. Today I’m talking about Giving and receiving. Listen to today’s episode and don’t forget to give your feedback and valuable comment. Enjoy!
Key Takeaways:
I was talking to a friend recently about the fact when we give without expecting thanks or acknowledgment, we receive so much more than we give. She’s someone who has made a huge difference in people’s lives and loves doing it.
Being around people who have different perspectives opens up and expands our world, makes us more aware of what we have and how to apply our gifts. I remember when guest Tony Delmercado from Hawke Media talked about how volunteering helped him be a better father, husband, and business leader.
Spend time with people who share your values, and generally, you get to liking each other. When you get to know new people, some of them will need what you offer, or know people who do.
The key here is that you only receive when your giving is from a genuine place in your heart. Loving, kindness, joy in helping; these feelings are at the core of giving without thought of acknowledgment or thanks.
Most of the time you won’t know what’s coming, or when, but you can be sure it’s something you’ll really benefit from if you accept the gift with the spirit of an open heart. Sometimes the gift isn’t always obvious and it’s easy to overlook.
Giving is supposed to be joyful and sharing what you have with others is a way to appreciate the abundance in our life.
A good friend of mine is a pastor at Shiloh and I had gone to a couple of Sunday services to check out his church.
I told him that I believe that everything will fall in line when I develop a deeper gratitude for the abundance in my life, and a prayer to help me in this area of my life would be great.
I am a very spiritual man, and I think it’s very important for who I am.
Rob talks about a great intentional giving back.
My friend is so generous, I became really happy when her book comes out. I made a commitment.
If we refuse those, then we are limiting ourselves. How much we can help is limited.
I want to encourage you in the process giving, giving & giving.
Mentioned in This Episode:
Shiloh Church: #shilohm2m
Tony Delmercado: