All of us can make a huge difference in people’s lives, we just need to choose and act.
Welcome to the 13th episode of Giving Back Insights, my Thursday solo show where I talk about how our guests and their charities serve others, to explore actions each of can take to make a difference in people’s lives and to share. Today I’m talking about how to think and talk about what you are doing, and take action. Listen to today’s episode and don’t forget to give your feedback and valuable comment. Enjoy!
Key Takeaways:
When people ask me how our guests make such a huge difference in people’s lives, I tell them how they all got started.
Three things:
Have your vision, and know the opportunity of right now.
—Your vision can be helping a person you know, and the opportunity can be as simple as connecting people.
Think and talk about what you are doing, and take action
—It’s what you’re DOING, not what you’re planning on doing. The present has great power, so think about whatever you’re going to do, talk about how you’re going to do it, and DO it.
Share your journey making a difference for people and invite others to the party
—not everyone’s a leader or organizer. Not everyone wants to take charge. But when it’s from the heart, people who share your passion are going to participate. Invite, don’t ask!
Four awesome stories about people doing amazing things to help others, starting one person at a time:
From Crazy Good Turns, Riley Gantt and Rainbow Pack
Riley Gantt was 10 years old and really upset that a young student that she visited didn’t have crayons. Her vision was to simply give that student crayons, and it’s grown to giving away 10,000 backpacks full of pens and paper and crayons and erasers to kids who might not otherwise have these basics.
From Crazy Good Turns, Alex Gramling and Christmas Tree Santas
Alex wanted to clear out some clutter. Little did he know that a single Christmas tree would grow to 4,700 given away in 2016.
From Kind World, Dylan Siegel and the book Chocolate Bar
Dylan’s best friend Noah has a rare liver disease and Dylan decided to do something to help his friend. He wrote a book when he was 6, raised over a million dollars, and has changed the course of the disease.
From Kind World, Secret Sisters
Tamara Letter’s friend Diane lost her young son. She and a friend joined with 10 friends to shower Diane’s family with anonymous acts of kindness for a whole year to show their support.
Mentioned in This Episode:
Christmas Tree Santas:
Crazy Good Turns:
Chocolate Bar: