Our goal is to uncover our intention to serve and to manifest that intention
Welcome to the 15th episode of Giving Back Insights, my Thursday solo show where I talk about how our guests and their charities serve others, to explore actions each of can take to make a difference in people’s lives and to share. Today I’m talking about leading with your heart. Listen to today’s episode and don’t forget to give your feedback and valuable comment. Enjoy!
Key Takeaways:
I know I am at my strongest when I lead with my heart. Being vulnerable is hard for me and definitely an area of growth.
It’s amazing what you can learn about yourself when you’re with a bunch of people learning about each one of them.
The name of this retreat……do you think it was soft? How about this for an opening exercise: get with a partner, and answer this question: “What don’t I want people to know about me.” Yeah, we went deep. This is HARD work, my friends.
Asking deep, hard questions, listening intently to other people’s experiences, doing energy work.
Mask exercise, three questions:
What is your biggest fear? What is it you feel you hide from others? When is it you feel shame?
I worked with James and he’s so together that I would NEVER have thought he’d be bothered by the things he talked about.
—EVERYONE has baggage!
Took the lessons from the retreat to my first presentation when I returned. I led with my heart and connected beyond any previous experience.
Two incredible leaders walking us through the right exercises to align who we are and what we do. Facing the barriers we create, sharing perspectives, getting clear on What I want to create, expand, influence, change; Who I am when I remove roles, titles, responsibilities, and what is my Why.
Special thanks to Joseph Ranseth for adding your insight and my sister from another mister Debbie Radvar (aka Samantha) for your beautiful home with great energy.
Thanks again to Candy & James, Joseph, and my sister from another mother Debbie, aka Samantha, and all the other members of the Soul Leaders Mastermind in San Diego!
Mentioned in This Episode:
Candy Barone: www.candybaroneinternational.com
James Woeber: james-woeber.com
Art of Heartful Living Institute: artofheartfulliving.com
Joseph Ranseth: JosephRanseth.com