What does ‘impact sourcing’ really mean?
Mark Sears is the Founder and CEO of CloudFactory, a company dedicated to creating work for 1 million people. As Mark says, “Talent is distributed throughout the world, but the opportunity is not.” CloudFactory is just a way to bridge that gap by outsourcing in a meaningful and impactful way. Mark himself is located in North Carolina, but he has offices in Nepal and Kenya. Find out more about Mark’s mission and what ‘impactful sourcing’ really means.
Key Takeaways:
[3:25] Talent is distributed throughout the world, but the opportunity is not. [6:05] What is Mark’s background and why did he start CloudFactory? [11:15] How does Mark determine who he should bring into the company, and how does he train the talent? [17:45] Nation economies were originally built from factory work. Now it’s time to bring a digital aspect into this. [20:15] It’s not just about bringing a paycheck to poorer countries. It’s about creating something sustainable and meaningful in the country that everyone can benefit from. [20:40] Nepal has an unemployment rate of 40-60%. Despite these high numbers, people still want meaningful work. [25:45] CloudFactory has overseen 4,800 community-service projects, and their staff was the one to first bring the concept to mind. [31:15] Mark has come to realize that good intention simply isn’t enough when it comes to providing effective change. [38:15] How does Mark make a profit, or what are some of the key drivers that keep his company in the black? [44:35] This kind of work has to be something you’d do when no one is looking. There is so much that goes into helping others and making it sustainable. [50:15] What would it look like if everyone could stay at home, be with their family, and do meaningful work? What would that mean for their family, for their community? [51:05] What kind of impact has CloudFactory had on the people they help? Mark shares some inspiring stories. [56:40] How does Mark make the community-service projects possible? How does he encourage that kind of mindset in his team? [1:07:10] Millennials are much more conscious than any other generation about picking an employer that is working towards an important cause. This doesn’t just apply to American millennials; it’s worldwide. [1:09:10] What are 3 words that Mark would use to describe his commitment to giving back?Mentioned in This Episode: