155: Giving Back Insights #41 — Heartbreak, hope and opportunity with Rob Lowe

A movement to encourage people to talk about and act on the things they care about.

Welcome to the 41st episode of Giving Back Insights, my Thursday solo show where I talk about how our guests and their charities serve others, to explore actions each of can take to make a difference in people’s lives and to share. Today I’m discussing Heartbreak, hope and opportunity. Listen to today’s episode and don’t forget to give your feedback and valuable comment. Enjoy!

Key Takeaways:

Three conversations with incredible human beings

Riley Joy Gantt: a 10-year-old’s shock at the lack of school supplies leads to over 20,000 backpacks full of supplies — and counting!
Everyone can do something for someone in need
Be open, ask questions, and always act on behalf of those you intend to serve
Remember your mom! (and everyone who supports you)

Stephen Garten: bored at the trivial gifts for credit card points and inspired by his father — what’s in your wallet can be an expression of what’s in your heart
He looks like a teenager and has the energy to match
He was struck by lame gifts and built a way for everyone
to give back
Why not give your supporters a chance to show their love every day?

Judi Neal: a lifetime studying and helping individuals tap their spirituality for achievement
Wowsers, what a gal — a trailblazer helping those on the leading edge
Here’s a secret to widely share: the fifth quality of an EdgeWalker is Playfulness, a joyful sense of fun and creativity, and an ability to keep everything in perspective
Grow to serve better

Persistence, my friends! Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, all ages and walks of life. Yes, you CAN make a difference!

Always err on the side of love and kindness.
Love & Gratitude,

Mentioned in This Episode:

Giving Back Podcast

Rainbow Pack

Just start The Conversation

Charity Charge

Edge Walkers


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