The everyday moments captured in An Ordinary Day inspire awareness and empathy.
Welcome to the 60th episode of Giving Back Insights, my Thursday solo show where I talk about how our guests and their charities serve others, to explore actions each of can take to make a difference in people’s lives and to share.
KAREN is a New York City-based portrait photographer whose photography has been shown in numerous gallery exhibitions, magazines, and newspapers including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Daily News, Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan. Haberberg has also curated numerous exhibitions and collaborated with well-known photographers such as Annie Leibovitz, Elliot Erwitt, Joyce Tenneson, Gillian Laub, Bruce Davidson, among others.
Listen to today’s episode and don’t forget to give your feedback and valuable comment. Enjoy!
Key Takeaways:
An Ordinary Day: Kids With Rare Genetic Conditions is an amazing book.
An Ordinary Day is a documentation of the personal lives of courageous kids who have rare genetic conditions and their families who love and support them at all cost.
How Karen Haberberg started this project?
Karen Haberberg had a sad story on her own family about rare genetic conditions. For this reason, her family was connected to the community.
Karen always thinks how she could give back to the community. An Ordinary Day is a life-changing event for Karen.
An Ordinary Day: Kids With Rare Genetic Conditions is an amazing book is one of a kind.
Karen is personally connected to all families that have children in her book
Karen raised $29,000 dollars from her Kickstarter campaign for this amazing project
Rare genetic diseases are actually fairly common – one in 10 Americans is affected, while 95% do not have an FDA approved drug treatment.
Karen is not only raising money, she is also raising awareness.
An Ordinary Day sheds an important and compassionate light on these existences.
Karen is giving away 100% of her profit to the research charity of rare genetic condition.
Meet Karen on February 15th in Manhattan, and celebrate Rare Disease Day on Feb. 28th.
Remember: Always err on the side of love & kindness. Look what it does for you!
Love & Gratitude,
Mentioned in This Episode:
Comments 1
What a wonderful interview of a beautiful woman who has given of herself to help others, my family included. My daughter Kelly is a part of this book. I can’t thank Karen enough for including her and sharing her works !