John Peyovich, better known as “Coach Peyo”, husband, father and friend to so many in our community passed away April 4th.
Welcome to the 69th episode of Giving Back Insights, my Thursday solo show where I talk about how our guests and their charities serve others, to explore actions each of can take to make a difference in people’s lives and to share. Today I’m discussing about Coach Peyo. Listen to today’s episode and don’t forget to give your feedback and valuable comment. Enjoy!
Key Takeaways:
Last week I talked about two men of substance. A few days ago, we lost one.
John Peyovich was an Albany High School Hall of Fame athlete, a loving husband, a devoted father, and both of my sons’ favorite coach. He was loud and funny, sharp as a tack, and could tell you stories from decades back like they were yesterday.
He was also a kind, caring and gentle man who drew people in like a magnet. A while back I was honored to co-host the Peyo Love Fest with my friends Tim and Chris. It was a fundraiser for Peyo, and the room was buzzing with anticipation of his arrival. Not only did they know him, everyone had their own stories about Peyo. It was like seeing the Pope — hour after hour after hour of people waiting to be with Peyo, to see him, to hear him, to touch him, to be close to him.
One of the darndest things I remember was hearing about these burritos he made. Breakfast burritos, filled with bacon, eggs, cheese and potatoes. EVERYONE was talking about Peyo’s burritos. That picture of him is manning the stove and barking at someone, probably one of his kids or Kerri.
Well, those burritos weren’t just about a tasty meal. John used them to connect with people, reaching out to feed them, then engaging them with his energy and enthusiasm. Those burritos were an extension of his love of life and others.
I saw a short video recently from Jay Shetty talking to a group of graduating students. He said, “I want you to be able to create meaningful, purposeful, fulfilling lives for yourselves and learn how to use that to make an impact and a difference in the lives of others.” What a beautiful life Peyo had, to show others how to live simply by being himself.
I’ve left a link to a short video about Peyo’s life below. It’ll tell you a little bit about him and how he lived life. If it’s in your heart and in your means, please lend a hand to Peyo’s family using the fundraising link in the show notes or go to and search for “Peyo”.
Coach Peyo family support fundraising page
Thank you, Peyo. I love you, I miss you, and I’ll see you when it’s my time. Find my Dad, give him a burrito, and tell them about my boys.
Remember: Always err on the side of love & kindness.
Love & Gratitude,
Facebook show:
Giving Back PodcastBackstage for episode 211, Giving Back Insights #69The Way of the Burrito – RIP Coach PeyoVideo about Coach Peyo’s life: Peyo family support fundraising page:
Posted by Rob Lowe on Monday, April 9, 2018