213: Giving Back Insights #70 — Growth comes in many forms with Rob Lowe

I know what I need.

Welcome to the 70th episode of Giving Back Insights, my Thursday solo show where I talk about how our guests and their charities serve others, to explore actions each of can take to make a difference in people’s lives and to share. Today I’m discussing Growth comes in many forms. Listen to today’s episode and don’t forget to give your feedback and valuable comment. Enjoy!

Key Takeaways:

This week I was lucky to be around for some major growth.

My oldest son Carson, he’s in the brown Patagonia shirt.  He’s got his arm around my younger son Tyler at a gathering before his prom.  He’s made a choice for his present as well as his future and I’m so proud of him.

I am so proud of Carson. He’s a smart, friendly guy and I am really proud that he has made a choice. He has chosen a different environment to focus on his success instead of expectations from others.

Midori Verity is next to my two scalliwag boys.  She’s the best-selling author of Secrets to a Kickass Marriage: Marriage Guide to Living Your Dream Life, a marriage & relationship coach with two great shows, and happily married to a great guy for over 30 years.  I went to her inaugural “Couples and Bubbles” event at Amista Vineyards and it was great. Fantastic wine, a great environment, fun people, and a kickoff for her into the next stage of her career and life.

Midori is not only a coach, she is a practitioner. She helps a lot of people re-energize their relationships.

I feel so fortunate to get support from people around me.

Kate Schell, my accountability coach, and Ryan Lee, the leader of Freedym

– How we make things happen. Helps me focus on the action and overcoming the fear.

I am also showing respect to all the following person and they help me continuously to grow

Jamie Moran, Alannah Avelin, John Nguyen, Henry Serrano, Judy Ban Greenman, Mark Jala

I feel so fortunate to GIVE support to people around me.

Where is YOUR growth happening?  Growth can be scary. Know that you have cheerleaders, people rooting for you to succeed.  Face your fear and move towards it — stepping outside your comfort zone is where the magic happens.

Remember: Always err on the side of love & kindness.

Love & Gratitude,


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Backstage at the Giving Back PodcastEpisode 213, Giving Back Insights #70Growth comes in many formsSherry Watson Midori Verity Kate Bennett Schell Jamie Moran Alannah Avelin John Nguyen Henry Serrano Judy Ban Greenman Mark Jala

Posted by Rob Lowe on Monday, April 16, 2018

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