Your company can start giving back the moment its doors open.
Caterina Rando is on a mission to support business women with a purpose. She is the founder of the Thriving Women in Business Giving Circle and also the founder of Thriving Women in Business Center, located in San Francisco. She helps women embrace philanthropy and give back to their community while they’re in the beginning stages of their business. You don’t have to wait to be rich or retire to give back, and Caterina shares how your business can too on today’s episode.
Key Takeaways:
[3:20] Your business can give back during the very early stages of its inception. It doesn’t have to be a ‘late stage’ process. [5:55] Women often start their businesses to serve a purpose, but tend to forget about the importance of profit. [10:05] What does the phrase ‘uplifting others’ mean to Caterina? [14:00] Caterina shares an example of how she helps her clients. [19:45] There is a lifetime supply of ways you can serve. [21:05] Caterina is currently working with three different charities. [28:45] Caterina now has her own center in San Francisco where women can host their own seminars at an affordable price. [34:35] Consumers love to buy from companies that give back vs. companies that don’t. [40:05] Interested in renting Caterina’s center for events and seminars? Go to in This Episode:
Thriving Women in Business Community