227: Giving Back Insights #77 — Leaves on a pool with Rob Lowe

Let our passion define our mission.

Welcome to the 77th episode of Giving Back Insights, my Thursday solo show where I talk about how our guests and their charities serve others, to explore actions each of can take to make a difference in people’s lives and to share. Today I’m discussing our problems and solutions. Listen to today’s episode and don’t forget to give your feedback and valuable comment. Enjoy!

Key Takeaways:

My good friend Ron Klabunde runs Generosity Feeds. He was a pastor for over 20 years and now his ministry is feeding kids. He was a guest, he’s stayed at my house and I’ve stayed at his. Wonderful family.
His father-in-law is an immigrant from Germany who worked his tail off and rose to a high level as a sales executive. He traveled a lot and he has a unique perspective on America that Ron shared with me. He said problems in America are like leaves on a pool.
That’s deep. And practical. And instructive. On so many levels.
That we even have a pool. That our problems are obvious. And easy to sweep up. And also that if we let them sit, they’ll fall and become harder to get, and if we leave them long enough, they’ll muck up the system.
And that brings me to the covergirl for today’s show. That’s Mel Robbins, she of 5 Second Rule fame. That’s counting down, out loud, from 5 to 1 then getting off your ass and doing whatever it is you need to do to get what you want. Fabulous in its simplicity, and a perfect pairing for Ron’s father in-law’s philosophy.
Her quote, “If you have a problem that can be solved by action, you don’t have a problem” is an awesome reframing of any barriers, any challenges. This is the quote she’ll be known for. It raises the question, identifies solutions, and moves toward action.
I see this in our guests all the time and it’s inspiring. They’re facing the BIG problems and taking action. A little girl outraged that a little girl doesn’t have crayons. A pastor who creates a special environment for the homeless to have dinner. A student who pitches in to help veterans, disabled, elderly and single moms with their lawns. A hairdresser who offers a cut and a bit of conversation.
It all counts. It’s all beautiful. It’s all service and building community.

Remember: Always err on the side of love & kindness.

Love & Gratitude,

Facebook Live for today’s show:

Backstage at the Giving Back PodcastEpisode 227, Insights #77"Leaves on a pool"Ron Klabunde Generosity::Feeds Mel Robbins – #5SecondRule Kate Schell

Posted by Giving Back Podcast on Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Mentioned in This Episode:

Giving Back Podcast

Generosity Feeds Website

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