242: Just Show up for Your Grieving Loved Ones — Yvonne Heath with Love Your Life to Death

There’s no easy way to handle grief, so have a plan to help your loved ones through the process.

Yvonne Heath has been a registered nurse since 1988 and has worked in the emergency room, intensive care, chemotherapy, hospice and more. Yvonne has personally seen grieving families and loved ones go through a lot and wrote her own book, Love Your Life to Death, about why it’s so important to have the tough end-of-life conversations before you need them. Find out more about Yvonne, the work she does, and the Show Up Movement.

Key Takeaways:

[4:30] Who is Yvonne and what does she do?

[7:40] This life is a temporary journey and we have to stop living in fear that it will end one day.

[9:25] You might be okay about the end, but is your family? Do they know what you want?

[12:40] Yvonne talks about her Show Up Movement.

[14:00] Grief is hard, but in the face of it, you just have to show up.

[14:55] Rob admits that he had three deaths occur in three weeks. It was awkward and uncomfortable.

[18:00] Why did Yvonne decide to write her book?

[25:25] Yvonne takes end-of-life healthcare one step further. It’s not just documents that people have  to fill out; it’s about the story they want to tell.

[28:05] Yvonne believes at least once a year you should review/revisit your end of life plan.

[31:05] Ideally, you want to have those tough conversations before you face a crisis or have someone dying.

[32:55] Both Yvonne and Rob have been witness to families taking each other to court to fight over family heirlooms instead of spending that time in grief.  Again, have those tough conversations now before you pass on!

[42:10] We, unfortunately, have not been taught how to grieve.

[44:25] It’s not your job to fix grief, but if you just show up and be there, you can make a difference in someone’s life.

[48:25] What’s next for Yvonne?

Mentioned in This Episode:

Giving Back Podcast


Yvonne Health on LinkedIn

Email: Info@LoveYourLifetoDeath.com

Comments 1

  1. Well, that was wonderful, if I do say so myself! haha! Rob, you are so easy to chat with and thank you for helping me to share my message of living life to the fullest and talking about grief BEFORE it arrives! We are doing good in the world! 🙂

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