It’s fundamentally in our hearts to help our neighbors.
Blake Canterbury is a social innovator, philanthropist, and social media expert. He is also the founder of Purposity, a text messaging service that allows you to give back to those who truly need it the most. On today’s episode, Blake discusses Purposity, how it helps our neighbours in need, and why it’s so easy (and addicting) to use.
Key Takeaways:
[3:45] Why did Blake decide to create Purposity?
[7:20] With a simple click of a button, people can effortlessly help a charity and an organization out with their needs.
[8:45] It’s tough for a nonprofit because instead of working together, a lot of time they’re forced to compete with other nonprofits due to lack of resources.
[10:10] The beauty of Purposity is that you can see where your dollars go and how it directly impacts and helps an organization.
[15:35] If you want a movement to have impact, it has to belong to the people who join it.
[17:00] What happens if Purposity isn’t in your town or city currently?
[19:35] Blake’s next step is to attract people who have never given back before. He wants to make it so easy that anyone can help.
[22:00] It’s fundamentally in our hearts to help our neighbors.
[24:45] Blake has a team of copywriters to make the nonprofit or individual person’s story interesting, unique, and funny during their time of need to help engage audiences.
[27:00] 90% of people’s needs on the app are met within 12 hours and, of those 90%, 70% are met within the first hour.
[28:50] Is Purposity anonymous for those who are requesting help?
[31:05] What kind of feedback has Blake received from people who have donated in the past?
[32:25] Blake shares an event he witnessed as a teenager that involved a broken-down refrigerator and a well-off family.
[35:45] Have faith in human kindness.
[36:45] What’s next for Blake?
[40:15] Purposity is an app that really meets people where they’re at in a simple and easy way.
Mentioned in This Episode:
Giving Back Podcast
Blakec Canterbury
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