259: Giving Back Insights #93 — Jia Jiang: What I learned from 100 days of rejection with Rob Lowe

Jia Jiang shares the 5 lessons he learned during 100 days of rejection.

Welcome to the 93rd episode of Giving Back Insights, my Thursday solo show where I talk about how our guests and their charities serve others, to explore actions each of can take to make a difference in people’s lives and to share. Today I’m discussing What I learned from 100 days of rejection. Listen to today’s episode and don’t forget to give your feedback and valuable comment. Enjoy!

Key Takeaways:

Week two of my vacation!  I’m looking forward to seeing everyone soon, this is the second episode that I’ve lined up good stories told by the people who’ve lived them.  Today is a TEDx Talk, Jia Jiang: What I learned from 100 days of rejection

Jia’s journey to conquer fear

Over 6.1 million views

Starts out with an AWFUL childhood memory.  An important lesson: Stop running away! Not like a little kid anymore

Olympic rings: 5.7 million views!

Magic word: why?

Planting a flower in Connie’s backyard

Mentioning a doubt “Is that weird?”

Starbucks greeter.  

Asking.  Yes!

Came prepared to teach.

“in my research, I found that people who really change the world, who change the way we live and the way we think, are the people who were met with initial and often violent rejections. People like Martin Luther King, Jr., like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, or even Jesus Christ. These people did not let rejection define them. They let their own reaction after rejection define themselves. And they embraced rejection.

When you get rejected in life, when you are facing the next obstacle or next failure, consider the possibilities. Don’t run. If you just embrace them, they might become your gifts as well.”

Jia’s rejection therapy site


Remember: Always err on the side of love & kindness.

Love & Gratitude,


Mentioned in This Episode:

Giving Back Podcast

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