262: Be Proactive Instead of Reactive with Your Resources — Joey Powell with Me Fine Foundation

By working to make things more efficient, you can help serve more people.

Joey Powell is the Executive Director at Me Fine Foundation, a foundation that provides assistance and resources to families with children facing life-threatening illnesses.  Seeing firsthand how much an unexpected illness can take an entire family by surprise, Joey is incredibly passionate to be serving his community and providing families with peace of mind while parents care for their children. Find out more about Joey and the work he does today!

Key Takeaways:

[4:45] How does the Me Fine Foundation help children?

[7:50] There are a lot of ‘little’ pieces that happen when you’re dealing with a sick family member that you don’t think about until you’re in the throes of it all.

[8:35] Money gets tight when a parent has to give up a job to care for their child.

[11:35] Me Fine also helps parents pay for funerals. Often times, parents simply can’t afford it after they’ve spent so much treating their child.

[12:50] How did the Me Fine Foundation get started?

[20:35] How did Joey get started in Me Fine?

[27:55] When Joey joined Me Fine, what kind of vision did he have for the foundation?

[38:15] Joey is most proud of his team and the things they do for the organization.

[43:20] By being proactive instead of reactive with their resources, Joey and his team were able to double their output and help 150 families in one year, just by improving their processes.

[45:40] What has working with the Me Fine Foundation done for Joey?

[50:55] All of the problems in our community can be solved by people in the community!

[52:35] What’s next for Me Fine?

Mentioned in This Episode:

Giving Back Podcast


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