We need police, but we also need reform in our justice system.
Michael-John Voss is the Co-Founder, Special Projects Director and Senior Litigator for ArchCity Defenders. Michael-John shares his story as a civil defence lawyer, why a non-profit law firm like his is so needed around the country, and shares a sad story of how the justice system can really kick you when you’re down and make you lose everything. You should not be able to punish people and throw them in jail for being poor.
Key Takeaways:
[4:35] Who is Michael-John, and what does he do for ArchCity Defenders? [9:30] Michael-John created this organization to represent the poor because it did not exist in St. Louis. [1355] Remember, at one point in US history, it was legal to own slaves and to prohibit women from voting. That doesn’t mean it was right or just. [15:20] Why did Michael-John pick St. Louis? [20:55] Policing for profit hurts the community, including the poor community. [25:40] You cannot punish people for not having enough money. [30:15] Unfortunately, there are large factors at play when it comes to how justice gets funded. [36:15] Michael-John shares a very sad story of what our justice system does to the impoverished. [45:45] As a lawyer, you can keep people in cages or you can set them free. [47:55] How does the work Michael-John does impact him and his team? [52:15] How does Michael-John celebrate the wins? [55:00] Michael-John shares why he believes we’re experiencing a second coming with the civil rights movement.Mentioned in This Episode: