105: Giving Back Insights #16 — Progress with Rob Lowe

The living is giving. Fulfillment doesn’t come from success, but from contributing to the world. You’ll find happiness through giving back more than you take. – Tony Robbins.

Welcome to the 16th episode of Giving Back Insights, my Thursday solo show where I talk about how our guests and their charities serve others, to explore actions each of can take to make a difference in people’s lives and to share. Today I’m talking about progress. Listen to today’s episode and don’t forget to give your feedback and valuable comment. Enjoy!

Key Takeaways:

This episode is enlightened by Josh Coombes. In the cover you see a man looking in the mirror.

Look at Josh. You will see kindness, love, and big heart on the eyes of Josh.

Tony Robbins’ interview on EOFire episode 1272 with John Lee Dumas.

This episode impacts my life so much. I listened to it again, again and again.

This Is the start of an incredible minute that I transcribed myself, it was so powerful

If you ask me ‘What does it take to be happy?’, it’s one word: progress. Progress equals happiness. If you’re not even where you want to be but you’re making progress in your business, you’re making progress in your body, you’re making progress in your relationship, you’re going to feel alive.

“And when you achieve a goal, you know, goals only feel good for how long. I don’t give a **** what the goal is. The biggest goal of your life, you achieve it and after a while, ‘is this all there is?’ Because we’re not designed just to get a goal, it’s who we become that makes us really happy or really sad. So we’ve gotta grow, that’s what makes us feel alive, and when we grow we feel we have something to give. And giving is what makes people feel like they have a meaningful life.

“You know, nobody wants to be a taker. You may think so on the surface but anybody who takes, it’s a pretty empty feeling. When we feel like our life has meaning beyond ourselves, when we feel like we’re here giving more than we’re taking, that’s when someone starts to prosper not only financially, but emotionally and spiritually.
“I think the game of life comes down to understanding it’s not about me, it’s about we. The secret to living is giving, as corny as that sounds. But it’s real.”

The game of life is understanding is not about me but about we. The secret of happiness is to give more than you take. The only thing lasts in our life is our own growth by any means.

Josh was a guest of Episode 24 on Giving Back Podcast

Josh was a guest of Episode 24 on Giving Back Podcast.

When I talked to Josh he went to Greece to help some refugees. He’s been all over the world sharing. According to Josh, we can give three things: time, talent, and treasure.

Treasure is not only money, it’s all your resources including your time. One of the most important lessons Josh carries with him is that being fully present and spending time with someone who’s been invisible can be the most important thing you give.

Josh is ready to take #DoSomethingForNothing to the next level and he’s now partnered with Leesa.com, a mattress company that embodies the values of giving back. See below links section for some of their wonderful projects.

I connected Josh with another guest, Carlos Miranda. Another big-hearted man. they’ll have a great time and let’s see if they come up with more magic.

I’m working with Heidi Stieglitz Ham whose project revolves around autism. Meaningful work that expresses their passion and creates lasting financial stability.

My friend working through child’s mental illness and is such an incredible advocate both as a mother and for all children with a similar problem. Her eyes lit up when she’s paying it forward to help other parents. I look at her and see what Brendan Burchard means in his book, “The Millionaire Messenger” — her message is so strong and clear and she’s got a great voice to deliver that message.

I am so fortunate to pass a fabulous week with some amazing people.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Giving Back Podcast

Tony Robbins’ on GBP

To listen to Tony Robbins’ interview on EOFire episode 1272 with John Lee Dumas

The Freedom Journal

The Tony Robbins Podcast

Joshua Coombes on GBP

Do something for nothing

Heidi Stieglitz Ham

Joshua Coombes Story


Social impact review

Carlos Miranda

The Fabulous Women

The Petaluma Fabulous Women on Facebook


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