137: Giving Back Insights #32 — Connecting and moving forward with Rob Lowe

You don’t have to solve the problem, but you can do something today

Welcome to the 32nd episode of Giving Back Insights, my Thursday solo show where I talk about how our guests and their charities serve others, to explore actions each of can take to make a difference in people’s lives and to share. Today I’m discussing Connecting and moving forward which inspire us to take action. Listen to today’s episode and don’t forget to give your feedback and valuable comment. Enjoy!

Key Takeaways:

The Independent’s ninth Happy List is a collection of 50 inspirational heroes and heroines whose kindness, courage and selflessness make our country a better place to live. The Happy List was founded in 2008 as an antidote to those tedious lists that celebrate wealth and big bank balances. Instead, it honors the Great Britons doing extraordinary things for others with no thought of personal gain, who often go largely unnoticed and unrewarded. See the list here:

The Independents Happy List

11. Josh Coombes
Hairdresser Josh has an enormous salon; the streets of London. For the past year, this 29-year-old has been giving free haircuts to homeless people, posting photos of his scissor-work on Instagram. It’s part of Josh’s campaign #DoSomethingforNothing which has encouraged people around the globe to help others any way they can and give a voice to society’s marginalized. One person who nominated Josh says: “With shears in hand and love in the heart, this bloke is giving the gift of time and attention to the invisible.”
Looking forward to meeting Josh this week in Los Angeles. One of the perks of doing something I have a passion for is meeting people who I respect and are fun.
Speaking of fun, the Conscious Leadership Summit that I’m co-hosting with Robert Clancy is going to be a TON of good times. Leaders sharing their personal and professional growth experiences serving communities. Let me know if you have questions, the summit is 100% free to attend and will be PACKED with insight.
What is your unfair advantage? What is it that you bring to the table that no-one has? This was a brilliant exercise from the book “Will It Fly” by Pat Flynn.
When you figure that out, the clarity of your personal vision is breathtakingly clear. It’s time to take this hobby that I’m passionate about (the Giving Back podcast) and the lessons I’m learning (my journey) and make it a business. A business that serves individuals, businesses, charities, government agencies, schools, families, religious groups, clubs, associations. And most of all, serve communities. That’s a business built on serving others.
When you think what’s special about YOU, then the rest kind of falls in place. Thank you for your help, Ron Klabunde!

Tell me what you think of the new working title for my book:
You Can’t Be A Hero…
…if you only think of yourself

Thanks for joining us on today’s show.
Love & Gratitude,

Mentioned in This Episode:

Giving Back Podcast


Joshua Coombes on GBP

Do something for nothing

The Independent

Ron Klabunde on GBP

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